- There are three main ways in which HTTP requests can be used to send parameters to the application:
- In the URL Query string,
- In HTTP cookies,
- In the body of requests using the POST method.
- Some terms about Java-based web applications:
- An Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) is a relatively heavyweight software component that encapsulates the logic of a specific business function within the application.
- A Plain Old Java Object (POJO) is an ordinary Java object. POJO is normally used to denote objects that are user-defined and much simpler and more lightweight than EJBs and those used in other frameworks.
- A Java Servlet is an object that resides on an application server and receives HTTP requests from clients and returns HTTP responses.
- A Java web container is a platform or engine that provides a runtime environment for Java-based web applications. Examples: Apache Tomcat, Oracle WebLogic, and JBoss.
- Examples of components commonly used for key application functions in Java-based applications are:
- Authentication — JAAS, ACEGI
- Presentation layer— SiteMesh, Tapestry
- Database object relational mapping— Hibernate
- Logging — Log4J
- LAMP: Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP. Open source team for applications.
- Numerous open source applications and components have been developed using PHP. Many of these provide off-the-shelf solutions for common application functions, which are often incorporated into wider custom-built applications, for example:
- Bulletin boards— PHPBB, PHP-Nuke
- Administrative front ends— PHPMyAdmin
- Web mail — SquirrelMail, IlohaMail
- Photo galleries— Gallery
- Shopping carts— osCommerce, ECW-Shop
- Wikis— MediaWiki, WakkaWikki
Önceleri web uygulama güvenliğine özel olması düşünülen blog, daha sonra diğer sızma testleri konularını da kapsayacak şekilde genişletilmiştir.
29 Mayıs 2010 Cumartesi
Web Application Technologies: Server-side Functionality
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